Jurnal Agama Buddha dan Ilmu Pengetahuan 2024-08-07T03:15:41+00:00 Rahmad Setyoko Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><img src="/public/site/images/rasyok/HEADER.jpg">ABIP MERUPAKAN JURNAL YANG MEMILIK IRUANG LINGKUP MENGENAI AGAMA BUDDHA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN YANG DITERBITKAN OLEH SEKOLAH TINGGI AGAMA BUDDHA RADEN WIJAYA WONOGIRI. JURNAL ABIP TERBIT PERTAMA KALI PADA TAHUN 2014. JURNAL ABIP TERBIT DALAM 1 TAHUN 2 KALI, PADA BULAN JULI DAN DESEMBER. CALON PENULIS JURNAL ABIP HARUS MELAKUKAN REGISTRASI TERLEBIH DAHULU PADA WEB JURNAL ABIP.</p> A CRITICAL STUDY ON THE CONTROVERSY OF ABHIDHAMMA ACCORDING TO HISTORICAL AND TRADITIONAL APPROACH 2024-08-07T03:15:18+00:00 Tri Saputra Medhacitto <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>This research provides a critical examination over the controversy surrounding the history of Abhidhamma based on historical background and written tradition. It is a library research which was done by collecting and scrutinizing data from the Tipitaka and its commentaries, combined with articles and books written by Buddhist scholars. Abhidhamma which is traditionally understood as higher teaching taught by the Buddha, reveals controversies among Buddhist scholars. They questioned the historical authenticity of Abhidhamma as the words of the Buddha, since they found several incompatibilities when looking at the historical background of the development of Buddhist literature. <em>Kathāvatthuppakaraṇa,</em> one of the seven books of <em>Abhidhamma Piṭaka</em>, is strong evidence that the book was compiled by Ven. Mogaliputtatissa Thera in the end of the third Buddhist council long after the <em>parinibbāna</em> of the Buddha. However, the written tradition as reported in the commentaries asserts that Abhidhamma should be accepted as Buddhavacana. Bhikkhu Buddhaghosa Thera in his commentaries consistently tried to highlight the Abhidhamma as higher teachings that should be acknowledged as Buddhavacana. This research sheds light on how the history of Abhidhamma is perceived on through the lenses of history and written tradition.</p> 2024-07-31T12:19:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Agama Buddha dan Ilmu Pengetahuan MANGANAN: IMPLEMENTATION OF KALYANAMITTA VALUES IN SEDEKAH BUMI TRADITION IN JEPARA 2024-07-31T14:28:38+00:00 Dirga Yuka Okta Adhiviyanto Rahmad Setyoko <p>Manganan is a tradition passed down from generation to generation by the people of Tunahan village, Jepara district. This research aims to describe the transformation of Kalyanamitta values in the Manganan tradition of Sedekah Bumi in Tunahan village, Jepara district. The methods used in this research are phenomenological methods and descriptive methods. By providing meaning from the experiences that have been felt and also to describe what happened when the research was carried out according to the facts in the field. The research results state that first, the Manganan tradition carried out in Tunahan village is different from the Manganan tradition in general in terms of its implementation, place and also the process carried out; The second result is the values contained in the implementation of the Manganan tradition, including religious values, solidarity values, tolerance values, educational values; Third, there are values contained in the Manganan tradition which are related to Kalyanamitta, namely religious values, tolerance values and solidarity values. The conclusion of this research is that the Manganan tradition which is still carried out today by the Tunahan village community has meaning, values and symbols contained in it and also from the values in the Manganan tradition there is a connection with Buddhist teachings, namely kalyanamitta</p> 2024-07-31T12:55:25+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Agama Buddha dan Ilmu Pengetahuan PROBLEMS OF MAHAYANA DEVELOPMENT IN TANGERANG: A CASE STUDY IN PADUMUTTARA MONASTERY 2024-07-31T14:28:38+00:00 Nyoto Nyoto <p>This study aims to find out why Padumuttara monastery followers carry out the Mahayana tradition. This research is descriptive qualitative research. In order for the data obtained to be satisfactory, the authors conducted observations, interviews, and documentation so that the data obtained was accurate. Research on the existence of Mahayana at Padumutara monastery is that people carry out various Mahayana traditions because of teacher guidance, preserving culture and Buddha Dharma, containing teachings of love. In addition, the Mahayana tradition developed at the Padumuttara monastery due to the support from the management of the temple and the Boen Tek Bio Temple. The Mahayana tradition also experiences various obstacles such as language problems, ritual processions, and the lack of interest of the younger generation to participate in Mahayana ritual activities.</p> 2024-07-31T13:50:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Agama Buddha dan Ilmu Pengetahuan INNOVATIVE STRATEGY OF THE HEAD OF SASANA JAYA MONASTERY IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT 2024-07-31T14:28:39+00:00 Metta Puspita Dewi <p>The head of The Sasana Jaya Buddhist Monastery manages all threats, makes quick decisions, and monitors the development of the crisis. This study aims to describe the innovative strategies of the monastery's head in facing health, social, economic, spiritual, and educational challenges as a form of crisis management in response to COVID-19. This research is qualitative and employs a case study method. Data collection uses observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The validity of the data is ensured through credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability tests. Data analysis involves data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Strategies in the social sector include the distribution of basic necessities, masks, and vitamins. Innovative strategies in the economic field include fundraising through <em>kathina</em>, <em>pattidana</em>, and <em>puja pelita</em> activities to maintain the operation and existence of the monastery. Educational innovation is achieved through online learning media via <em>WhatsApp</em> groups. The aspect of faith is reinforced through the recitation of the <em>Ratana Sutta</em> during every <em>puja</em></p> 2024-07-31T14:06:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Agama Buddha dan Ilmu Pengetahuan RELIGIOUS NATURALISM IN CHAN BUDDHISM WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE BLUE CLIFF RECORD 2024-08-07T03:15:41+00:00 Baoyu Wang Metteyya Beliatte <p>This paper delves into the interplay of religious naturalism and Chan Buddhism, emphasizing its manifestation within the Blue Cliff Record. Beginning with a contextualization of the research, the study identifies a gap in the comprehension of naturalism in this seminal text. Religious naturalism is conceptualized as the belief in nature's entirety, negating the need for the supernatural. By comparing religious naturalism with Buddhist tenets, parallels emerge, particularly the shared accentuation on nature, experiential understanding, and non-dualism. The Blue Cliff Record, a creation under Chan Master Yuanwu Keqin from the Song Dynasty, emphasizes tenets such as the renunciation of attachments and the appreciation of inherent Buddha-nature. A significant portion of the analysis is dedicated to the portrayal of flowers within the text, symbolizing principles harmonious with religious naturalism, including simplicity and self-realization through lived experiences. The dissertation concludes by revisiting its objectives, accentuating the nuanced differences between religious naturalism and Chan Buddhism, and emphasizing the potential for future interdisciplinary dialogues and research.</p> 2024-08-01T02:06:39+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Agama Buddha dan Ilmu Pengetahuan